Spotlight People's Goodness

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2019

The past couple of days I've had some negative thoughts swirling in my head. I knew I needed to pivot to something positive. There are several things in my life I can think about, but, I had trouble keeping focus. Today, I decided to think about the awesome aspects of people I knew. It came easy and helped me get out of that negative spiral. ⁣

Truth be told, if I appreciated others more in my moments of stress this weekend, I probably wouldn't have gone down the negative hole.

Make it a practice to tell more and more people something good about them and watch your interactions get better. ⁣

Focusing on others' good points not only helps you maintain your positivity, but it also: ⁣

▪️Strengthens your relationships⁣
▪️Reminds people of their worth⁣
▪️Gives encouragement to someone going through a struggle⁣
▪️Makes people feel good ⁣

You can't go wrong. ⁣

Arathi Ramappa is a certified executive coach, certified spiritual life coach, speaker, and management consultant who helps individuals thrive in life and business. Using the concepts of emotional intelligence, self-compassion, and mindfulness, Arathi has helped clients start their own businesses, develop leadership skills, diminish conflict in relationships, implement positive behaviors, and increase confidence.

Arathi offers one-on-one coaching and emotional intelligence and conscious principles workshops to organizations. She created the EASE approach to help others Explore, Analyze, Strengthen, and Empower their thinking to identify and conquer obstacles to success and change their lives and businesses.

With twenty years of experience in business management coupled with certifications in coaching and emotional intelligence, Arathi’s background as a serial entrepreneur and a veteran in the start-up space has provided her with extensive cross-functional knowledge that she can apply to any situation or client. She has managed teams globally in places such as India, Japan, China, Germany, Canada, Taiwan, Eastern Europe, as well as the U.S., and has worked with a wide range of clients including from the financial, healthcare, cybersecurity, and fashion industries, among others.


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